
Latest Addictions

Just because I haven't posted about my addictions in a while doesn't mean I don't have any:

  • My Aeropress
    Sent from Heaven (or Hell, if you ask David) this little puppy makes the awesomest lattes, chais, and anything else you want to concentrate to super-strength. While my Starbucks intake has dropped precipitously, my caffeine intake has increased more than I care to admit.
  • This coffee.
  • My niece
    There is possibly nothing cuter. And that includes puppies and kittens. Although this one is providing some stiff competition.
  • Bellydancing (again)
    Yes, the full-on addiction with all the shiny, sparkly accoutrements has returned. My abs thank me. And now I like photographing it too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Greetings Miss M. I seem to be already InCoGnIto under one of my many personages which have been lurking about since my birth. Additions. Yes. Names. That is one of my addictions and we are going to have to agree on one when the JoB seeking gets earnest. As I see you linked my blog the existence of which I embaressingly FoRgOt about, I got off my derriere to make it presentable for receiving any guests. Maybe that will be one of my new addictions. Have you even seen my most recent YouTube incarnation? Do take a peek. There is a link on my blog. I promise to keep up more with these things once I return to earth. Love to you. Rosemary Annabella (which is short for Dannette which is, of course, my real given name... believe it.)